As part of the ongoing process for the Cyborg 009: The Cyborg Soldier articles, fans from sites such as Behind the Voice Actors are more than welcome to join here and edit with what they know of the voice cast, and if they have sources from resumes or the actors themselves, it'll be even better and help the article out, and prevent more old misnomers from being circulated like Stephen Apostolina being incorrectly attributed to 004 for so many years.
Right now, roles that remain elusive or unconfirmed are Dr. Shishigashira in "Monster Island", and Dinah in the Yomi arc (figured to be Julie Ann Taylor, but more backing may be needed). Also welcome are any identifications of roles not yet listed in the English dub cast, or corrections made to existing credits. Due to the dub's non-union status and age, it may be tricky to work out who exactly voiced in what episodes, although fans well-versed in voice matching tend to be pretty thorough.
Not every background role or bit part has to be credited, but if someone would like to help fill out or correct the episodic credits or the ones on the main page, you're certainly free to.
As in the CrystalAcids and Wikipedia style, I'd made the decision to credit most of the cast with the aliases they would have used at the time.
Part of the time in this day and age, fans can sometimes be in contact with the ADR Director or a brand manager and ask for information on a cast or confirmations of roles. However, Michael Sorich does not appear to have a social media presence, and it's iffy on whether anyone could disclose the information, even more than a decade later. Steve Kramer and Richard Epcar supposedly also did ADR Direction if AnimeNewsNetwork's encyclopedia is to be believed, however, their entry does have some holes and old mistakes in itself to be wary of.
Also important is that some actors may not publicly list their involvement with this dub due to it not being endorsed by SAG-AFTRA, while some actors are more open about their non-union involvements in the past. Cindy Robinson has confirmed her role as Lina for the "Mutant Warriors" arc on her own resume, while Grant George seems to list himself as "Various monsters", though some sources attribute him to Dr. Ryan in episode 2. He was probably used for quite the bit parts. Darrel Guilbeau's involvement with the series would also need to be researched.